New Mind Technologies and Beautiful People Speaking to Your Mind
A) Persons with special qualities:
2014 Richard M. Dolan (• see bottom of post)
– an American ufologist and television personality (born 1962, education: University of Oxford, Alfred University, University of Rochester) –
refers to eye- and ear-witnesses that have heard so named ‘strange people’ whom they recognized as ‘very beautiful’, dressed with ‘exclusive new kind of material’ and bodily ‘very tall’ as being extraterrestrial of origin
– in contrast –
I, the author of this article, refer to those kind of people as ‘secret agents of terrestrial origin in mankind’ – citing following reasons:
often tall people are chosen by secret agencies of governments and other monetary powerful lobbies:
for psychic- and mind-trainings to practize direct hypnotism and remote hypnotism on other indiviuals,;
for applying hypnotism on crowds of individuals and on masses of people – by bodily tallness having an overview down on persons like from event stages – to spread their natural brain-wave-energy and telepathic-hypnotic-information down to the heads of people, who then ‘get into the mood’ of ‘good vibes’ and additional simultaneously receive unconsciously telepathic information that programs their minds;
for first passive practize and then for second active practize of hypnotic-mind-programming in evolved and updated Mk-Ultra ‘Monarch’ style;
for telepathic-hypnotic ‘energy work’ for healing and also for sickening other individuals;
for trance-spiritualism in practize: for trance-bilocation, for special skills of perception (outside world) and of cognition (inside world) and for other phenomenons along clandestine secret-knowledge all deriving in the Babylonian style of rulership: A1f);
for telepathy, that is attributed falsely to inner-world ’Satanism’, and is understood right and traditionally summed up as ‘a human feature of consciousness’ (as natural talent within the Law of Nature, as natural and healthy capacity of the mind) in symbolism as ancient Egyptian ‘Eye of Horus’ (a left_eye; and as ‘Eye of Ra’ a right_ eye occasionally – both are very similar in meaning);
for the wearing of customized face-masks made of silicone and other new developed secret materials;
for being mind-programmed to telepathically_transmit_information:
for special hypnotic appearances on others at all;
and for special hypnotic radiances of auras ‘in the perception of other individuals’ whom they meet;
and for appearing with special face lineaments of beauty either by face-mask or by hypnotic impression on others and often by both means.
Average people can be chosen for similar tasks with the disadvantage not to have a natural look over crowds of other people by tallness.
B) Mind Technologies:
Besides the fact that ‘telepathy plus hypnotism’ and plus consciousness-expanding or/and hallucinative drugs can have enormous useful and also enormous threatening dangerous effects on individals and crowds of people:
additional subliminal brainwave-technology and even more clandestine entirely-new mind-technologies transferring information in subliminal frequencies can be applied –
in connection with clandestine futuristic GPS-technology every individual on the planet can be focused with the accuracy of 5cm,
the strength of natural-telepathic subliminal-information-transmission from mind to mind can be boosted and also technology-based-telepathic subliminal-information-transmission to every person can be artificially created;
by these mind-technologies combined with human agents, who may physically be mind-chipped, all phenomenons cited here can be strengthened, focused, boosted: intense ideas, intense imaginations, intense thoughts are sufficient for subliminal inner-personal information-transmission from mind to mind between individuals;
and not solely to mind-chipped-persons who receive telepathic-commands, but also to average individuals, can be given either hypnotic mind-rewards like joy, pleasant sexual-feelings, good vibe, love-feelings or/and hypnotic-punishments for disobedience like pain, fear, desperation, hatred, psychic-ticks, and many Other.
A) and B) summed up,
I think the ‘strange people’ Richard Dolan 2014 (•) is referring to are of terrestrial origin, and I think, that it is a very common natural-phenomenon among telepathics to hear one another ‘thinking to each other’ in thoughtful ‘silent inner voices of their minds’ placed
A and B I) either next to one aside or
A and B II) even inside in any realm of the body and
A and B III) even ’in the self’ ‘as another person speaking’ or
A and B IV) inside the bodily realm ’as the self’ in the case of telepathic imaginative ’mingling of minds’ to ‘oneness of consciousness’ (a cultural origin is to find in Buddhism: ‘I Am HE’ and ‘HE is I Am’ (He is Me)) and in special mind-entangling through hypnotic ‘mind-programming in MK-Ultra_Monarch style’ that is ancient in origin and further evolved nowadays.
All terrestrial:
With Telepathy, Hypnosis and Mind-Programing our world was ruled since ancient times by Pharaos, Cesars and Kings, and additional supported and expanded by secret-mind-technologies our world is ruled already, and in the future our world’s telepathic-rulership might – a nightmare-vision ! – be even replaced by subliminal-information-transmission-technologies.
And we’ll have to put strength and effort for the future of humankind to avoid every kind of nightmare and to successfully live our healthy and well thought-dreams.
(•) UFO ENCOUNTERS WITH THE WORLD MILITARIES, video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HINR_wCYsUU&index=8&list=PLxpYawT00V416Qu-5a78Pj7xUKFR8DAFX, Conference Speaker: Richard Dolan ‘Secret Space Program Conference 2014’ in San Mateo in California.
jona(h) li (*) – on October 10th 2015
This text work ‘New Mind Technologies and Beautiful People Speaking to Your Mind:‘ is under Creative Commons Licence 4.0, CCL 4.0: no-derivative works allowed – allowed is to spread the complete_text-work for non-commercial purposes only and with giving attribute to the author’s name: jona(h) li (*) = Johanna Maria Lindner.